ISO 965-4 - ISO general purpose metric screw threads -- Tolerances -- Part 4: Limits of sizes for hot-dip galvanized external screw threads to mate with internal screw threads tapped with tolerance position H or G after galvanizing

ISO metric threads for general use - Tolerance - Part 4: Limit dimensions of external threads for hot dip coating after plating developed flush with the internal thread of tolerance position


Thread pitch mm Tolerance class external thread 6az
The mean diameter The large diameter The small diameter
es pm ei pm es pm ei pm Deviations to determine the stress pm
M10 1,5 -330 -462 -330 -566 -547
M12 1,75 -335 -485 -335 -600 -588
M14.M16 2 -340 -500 -340 -620 -629
M18, M20, M22 2,5 -350 -520 -350 -685 -711
M24, M27 3 -360 -560 -360 -735 -793
M30, M33 3,5 -370 -582 -370 -795 -875
M36, M39 4 -380 -604 -380 -855 -957
M42.M45 4,5 -390 -626 -390 -890 -1 040
M48, M52 5 -400 -650 -400 -930 -1 122
M56, M60 5,5 -410 -675 -410 -970 -1 204
M64 6 —420 -700 -420 -1 020 -1 286

Limit dimensions of the external thread tolerance class 6az

Dimensions in mm
Thread thread length The large diameter The mean diameter The small diameter (for the determination voltage) The radius of curvature of the bottom
od do greatest least greatest least greatest least
M10 5 15 9,670 9,434 8,696 8,564 7,829 0,188
M12 6 18 11,665 11,400 10,528 10,378 9,518 0,219
M14 8 24 13,660 13,380 12,361 12,201 11,206 0,250
M16 8 24 15,660 15,380 14,361 14,201 13,206 0,250
M18 10 30 17,650 17,315 16,026 15,856 14,583 0,313
M20 10 30 19,650 19,315 18,026 17,856 16,583 0,313
M22 10 30 21,650 21,315 20,026 19,856 18,583 0,313
M24 12 36 23,640 23,265 21,691 21,491 19,959 0,375
M27 12 36 26,640 26,265 24,691 24,491 22,959 0,375
M30 15 45 29,630 29,205 27,357 27,145 25,336 0,438
M33 15 45 32,630 32,205 30,357 30,145 28,336 0,438
M36 18 53 35,620 35,145 33,022 32,798 30,713 0,500
M39 18 53 38,620 38,145 36,022 35,798 33,713 0,500
M42 21 63 41,610 41,110 38,687 38,451 36,089 0,563
M45 21 63 44,610 44,110 41,687 41,451 39,089 0,563
M48 24 71 47,600 47,070 44,352 44,102 41,465 0,625
M52 24 71 51,600 51,070 48,352 48,102 45,465 0,625
M56 28 85 55,590 55,030 52,018 51,753 48,842 0,688
M60 28 85 59,590 59,030 56,018 55,753 52,842 0,688
M64 32 95 63,580 62,980 59,683 59,403 56,219 0,750